August 16, 2015

Jaclyn to Matt: We weren't making fun of him, we were just like - "That's a funny guy!!"

February 28, 2014

Matt is suffering from massive diarrhea and says - "I'm not farting....I'm not taking that chance."
Jac is dying of laughter.

May 20, 2013

Jaclyn to Matt - "When your sisters were learning to be emotionally intelligent, you were sitting on the sidelines in your own poopy shorts."

September 25, 2012

Jac: Physics is biology but with momentum.
Matt: Wow hun. That was deep.
Jac: Ya, I'm pretty much the greatest scientist there ever was.

September 24, 2012

Jac turns to Matt and says: If I could have this feeling right now for the next week, I could get so much done. I am feeling so good right now! ....... (long pause) Except for the fact that I cannot feel my left arm.

March 28, 2012

In a moment of love and affection, Matt says to Jac, "There isn't anything I do for you." Then there was a LONG AWKWARD PAUSE............Matt says to Jac, "I mean...There isn't anything I WOULDN'T DO for you." Matt always mixes up his words!

January 20, 2012

Jac says to Matt: You are too close to me!
Matt promptly responds: You are too far away from me!